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Re: Gum Separations Using Indexed Color


I using PhiLouCouleur, a software to obtain directly separation color negative for the tricolor Gum

Also Philou, software to obtain directly a negative for the Carbon, the Platinum and the Gum Process

See my website


----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Koch-Schulte" <mkochsch@shaw.ca>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 4:11 PM
Subject: Gum Separations Using Indexed Color

Has anyone experimented with using Photoshop's "Indexed Color" function to produce colour separations for Gum Bichromate? Or, mixed Indexed Color with CMY(K) separations? Seems someone (Keith Gerling maybe?) was doing something similar with adding extra channels to print pure colours. Indexed Color would allow one to use opaque inks. I'm going to give this a try over the holidays but would like to hear experiences from anyone who has done advanced colour separation techniques. Thx. Merry Christmas.

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