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RE: question about NuArc exposure unit

Thanks Mark –

I will check it out.



Cathy Cakebread - Consultant




(650) 610-9130

From: ender100 [mailto:ender100@aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 10:34 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: RE: question about NuArc exposure unit


Hi Cathy,


Nice to hear from you!  Say hi to 


I measured the vinyl "cloth" and it is about .035 thick.  It is fairly soft or pliable and has the look of fake black leather.  Try JoAnn Fabrics—that is where I got it along with my panty hose.


On Jan 18, 2009, at 3:43:27 PM, "Cathy Cakebread" <cathyc@cathycakebread.com> wrote:


Oops – I meant to say: How Thick is the vinyl cloth?



Hi Mark –

That sounds great – we have been using matt boards with a piece of masking plastic on top but this sounds like it will create a better vacuum seal.

How this is the "cloth" that you are using?
