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Re: 7800 scratches on Pictorico

Is it scratching the ink or just the film?

Are you using roll feed?

Have you checked the paper path in the areas the scratches are occuring?
You might have some burrs that need sanding down?

Mark Nelson

www.PrecisionDigitalNegatives.comPDNPrintForum@YahooGroups, www.MarkINelsonPhoto.com, sent from my iPhone

On Feb 25, 2009, at 1:25 PM, Jon Lybrook <jon@intaglioeditions.com> wrote:

Thanks Mark:

Base side, vertical scratches, consistent with the direction the media comes out of the printer.  Width of the scratches and distance among them are variable, but placement of them are consistent.


ender100 wrote:
334D7B28.EF91.438A.8918.FE44FA62A794@aol.com" type="cite">

Can you describe the scratches?  Which way they run, frequency, which side of the media?
On Feb 25, 2009, at 1:04:18 PM, "Jon Lybrook" <jon@intaglioeditions.com> wrote:

From: "Jon Lybrook" <jon@intaglioeditions.com>
Subject: 7800 scratches on Pictorico
Date: February 25, 2009 1:04:18 PM CST
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Hi All,

My Epson 7800 has been working like a champ for over a year now, but my 
clients are starting to complain about increasingly more pronounced 
scratches.  There seems to be no amount of dusting and user serviceable 
parts that affect this problem.  Last time I contacted the vendors, 
Epson blames the media and Pictorico blames Epson.

Any suggestions?


Jon Lybrook
Intaglio Editions


Jon Lybrook
Intaglio Editions