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Re: First layer on aluminum with acrylic + CaCO3 ground

Hi Keith,

2 Mart 2009, Pazartesi, 1:05 am tarihinde, Keith Gerling yazmış:
> I can't wait to see the completed work - it looks to be a winner.

Thanks! Mee too...

> I'll be interested in hearing whether you experience the problem I
> sometime have when working with gessoed aluminum.  Pretty minor and
> inconsistent (meaning it doesn't always happen), but sometimes bubbles
> of water creep in between the aluminum and the gesso and threaten to
> lift it off.  They usually dry down just fine.  But the problem
> becomes rather more pronounced when I attempt to recycle a used print
> by re-coating a bad print with more gesso.

I haven't experienced something like that so far. But my coatings are
pretty thick (at least 4 layers) and I thoroughly dry between
coatings...??? Also my application method is very different than yours.
(See my message to Rajul.)
