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Re: mystery paper

Hi Jon,
The Hahnemuehle KupferdruckPapier comes also with a third variety, they call it 'yellowish', and this one is perfect for dark-blue-green gumprints.
I use all three for gum and oilprinting and it is a fine paper for inkjetprinting coated with bone glue.

On 9 mrt 2009, at 5:41, Jon Lybrook wrote:

Hi Chris,

Awww -- Don't I get 1/4 credit for asking what was *in* the circle of your mystery paper?  ;-)

Hahnemuhle Copperplate is made of alpha cellulose with no sizing (I'm told) and one of my favorite papers to print polymer photogravure.  It's relatively affordable (though you can't get much more affordable than free!).  Dan Welden sold me my first ream of the stuff several years ago and I've been hooked ever since.  It's available in warm white and bright white and requires little soaking compared to sized papers.

If you like printing on it, they make a thinner version, 
Hahnemuhle Ingres, that is even better looking, IMO, optimally sharp to print intaglio, and provides very smooth tone as well.  I "soak" it by spraying it and letting it soak in for 5-10 minutes before blotting lightly and printing.  It's available from Kozo Fine Art Materials in Denver, who recommended it to me.  http://www.kozofineartmaterials.com/


Christina Z. Anderson wrote:
D1ACC8790890462081909B96D6D23A8C@DC5YX7B1" type="cite">
Yup, Jim and Henk solved it--it is Hahnemuehle!  Thanks.  I will not be using it for gum, then :) but for solarplate as in reading my Daniel Smith catalog it seems like a soft intaglio paper.  Good to know I will have another use for it.  I think someone gave me a stack of it in 2005 when I was in grad school, and in cleaning out my dimroom last night I came across it for the first time since then.
Thanks you all!
Christina Z. Anderson
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: mystery paper

Try this:   


Echt Būtten Karton, partly sized, with the Hahnemūhle rooster watermark, four deckle edges. Acid-free; 100% cellulose, without chlorure. ...
www.joopstoop.com/pap-1e.htm Similar pages - 
On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Christina Z. Anderson <zphoto@montana.net> wrote:
Ok, now it's really bugging me...I scanned a watermark--well, it's actually an imprimatur or stamp--of it here:


I may be totally offbase but it looks like a rooster??

Henk sent me two ideas, Schollhammer and Magnani crown and it isn't either.

I have a stack of the stuff but I'd hate to shrink it and find out it is not suitable for gum.  Plus it'd be nice to find out if it is a good pt/pd paper if someone can identify it.



Christina Z. Anderson
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jon Lybrook" <jon@intaglioeditions.com>Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: mystery paper

Hi Chris,

No other image in the circle?  Just a circle?


Christina Z. Anderson wrote:
I have a pack of paper that has nice texture, 4 deckle edges, and a round imprimatur on it.  Is this Rising Stonehenge?  Or Arches Cover?  I think it is Stonehenge, but if someone has a piece of the Stonehenge they can check for that circular stamp, could you verify if I am correct?

Christina Z. Anderson

Jon Lybrook
Intaglio Editions

Jon Lybrook
Intaglio Editions