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It is a fresh mixture, so may need to "ripen".
And yes, I am comparing work done in different locations, so possible water pH is a factor.

On Mar 10, 2009, at 1:13 PM, francis schanberger wrote:

One question, did you let the VDB solution ripen?

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 1:13 PM, francis schanberger <frangst@gmail.com> wrote:
I suspect the water supply pH or minerals may be involved. I am having slight changes to my VDBs depending on where I process them. At school they seem to dry down a lot more and give me a very strong brown background compared to the ones I make at home.

You may also wish to experiment with shorter fix times or changing your dilution of thiosulfate. I am using a 30g per liter solution.

I don't clear with citric acid but with Sprint Fixer remover.


On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Anne van Leeuwen & Peter Hoffman <anne_peter@earthlink.net> wrote:
I've recently been using VDB again but with different results than I've had in the past.  
I made up a fresh batch of the VD and am using fresh thiosulphate, the results are not a strong brown and there is weak contrast.  When I first rinsed the contrast was good but that was quickly lost.  I did try pot. dichromate but that didn't do anything visible to the contrast.  
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you.

francis schanberger


francis schanberger


  • References:
    • VDB
      • From: Anne van Leeuwen & Peter Hoffman <anne_peter@earthlink.net>
    • Re: VDB
      • From: francis schanberger <frangst@gmail.com>
    • Re: VDB
      • From: francis schanberger <frangst@gmail.com>