U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: can't get green tone in gum--help please

RE: can't get green tone in gum--help please

Ultramarine is not a good blue for a nice array of greens IMO. Yet your problem is different from choosing a particular pigment. Go back to Photoshop and examine your RGB chanels (inverted) and compare them to your negatives. Did you by chance switch G and B separations? Does the B (yellow pigment) separation need slightly different curve or longer printing time. Check that your B negative is not too dense in the green part and you can actually print yellow through it. Can you post original colour image and the cyan/yellow print?
> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 10:47:57 -0700
> From: cryberg@comcast.net
> Subject: can't get green tone in gum--help please
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Folks, I've made one nice tri-color gum (many months ago) and
> thrown away scores. The image I'm trying to print is a café scene with
> green only in the tablecloth. The rest of the image is warm--mostly pale
> cream yellows and red brick. There is a woman in a blue dress walking away
> from the camera. I like the image. My first coat is Daniel Smith French
> Ultramarine. The second is Daniel Smith Hansa Yellow Medium. I have not
> yet done the Magenta. The overall cast of the image is clearly cyan though
> there is yellow too. But no green. When it dries, I'll do the magenta, but
> I just can't see the image working without that small green cloth. Any
> advice?

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