Re: GIMP vs. CS4
Feel free to shoot holes in this point- but I read MANY years ago (1997-98) that the first incarnation of Gimp duplicated nearly all of PhotoShop 3 (NOT CS3) ( 1995?) features which included layers... At this time PhotoShop had moved on to either version 4 or 5- so it seemed Gimp was not even a 3rd place contender.... Like I said- please feel free to correct as Robert Palmer was signing "Your gonna have to face it - your addicted to digital imaging" way back then... On Mar 14, 2009, at 11:34 AM, Gary W Marklund wrote: Christoph, I just opened my GIMP 2.6.2 under Linux and it has layers. Gary On Saturday 14 March 2009 09:25:35 am Christoph Hammann wrote:Last time I looked, the Gimp didn't do layers. Most image files I open