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Re: Truth Beauty book

Weird, I am not getting my messages back but they must be going to the list because you replied, Judy.

Truth Beauty, Pictorialism and the Photograph as Art, 1845-1945, 2008; Alison Nordstrom, Curator, Thomas Padon, Editor, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver. Douglas and McIntyre,ISBN 13:978-1-55365-294-6.

Tho it soounds like you're familiar with these "originals" -- or their equivalents?
Mostly from books. Only some that I have seen at galleries and museums but not a ton of the ones in this book in person.
Tell me about print being different: above is a URL of an original gum side by side with its appearance in a book, a marked difference.
So, like Cigar Boy, certainly the exhibition guide could look nothing like the actual print.

Do they make you want to print darker?
Yes, the darkness of the prints in this book make me want to explore printing darker. I think there is much room for this kind of dark beauty in this day and age.

But what surprises me about the book is that many of the images are still quite powerful, and contemporary.