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Re: lumenprints not chromo?

I always fix mine. There is a noticeable loss of density and color shift in the fix. I also know that Jerry Burchfield who does all those Amazon exposures brings all images back in a black plastic bag to the States and fixes at one time. Unless he has changed his process in the last couple years, all of his previous lumenprints were fixed and I have never heard of not fixing before...however, the idea to scan before fixing is a great one and then you get a two-for-the-price-of-one special.

My prints do not fade once fixed and archivally washed and treated as if a normal BW print. You can see student examples on my website, and see how brilliant they are--with fixing.

Re: scanning. I would find it shocking that a 90 day pinhole exposure lumenprint (chromo is a different process entirely because it uses darkroom chemistry, developer, activator, stabilizer) that will never touch the developer but go straight into the fix, would be affected by a one minute scan.

You will also notice a distinct color shift when dry prints are rewetted. But then it reverts again when dry.


Christina Z. Anderson
----- Original Message ----- From: "Weber, Scott B" <sweber@mail.barry.edu>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 12:06 PM

Just completed a 90 day pinhole exposure on gelatin silver paper. Chromoscedasic print. The image looks good, but do I fix this? Maybe some thiosulfate? Or should I leave it? My plan is to scan it but will the light in the scanner affect the image?

Scott B. Weber
Associate Professor of Photography
Department of Fine Arts
Barry University
Miami Shores, Florida
305 899 4922

  • References:
    • [no subject]
      • From: "Weber, Scott B" <sweber@mail.barry.edu>