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  • To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
  • Subject: Cyanotype
  • From: Jacek Gonsalves <jacek@jagnight.com>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 22:53:46 +0800
  • Comments: alt-photo-process mailing list
  • Delivered-to: alt-photo-process-l-archive@www.usask.ca
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  • List-id: alt-photo-process mailing list <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
  • References: <36993.>
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Hi Loris,

I've been playing around with some new inks in my printer for the past few weeks tweaking them to give me a gradation of ink. I haven't had a chance with any cyanotype printing. Though I was wondering if you had tried a specific method of double printing to increase the Dmax?
With the traditional Cyanotype you get an average Dmax of 1.10. What if you were to recoat again (once it is completed and dried) with the Trad cyanotype and registered another negative. Expose for less time to do the shadow areas.
Therefore get a higher Dmax to the print?
Will this work?
I can see it being an expensive exercise, with another negative! :)
Just my rambling thoughts...

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