hehehehe I did disappear to play in Willis Lee's printmaking studio along with David Michael Kennedy. Loved watching Willis ink and hand wipe one of my plates!
On Aug 18, 2009, at 2:16:03 PM, Vedos <vedos@samk.fi> wrote:
Hi Mark,
Thank you for enlightening the process further. I have noticed the easy scratching of the plates too; your ink has to be very clean and free from any abrasive dirt and clumps in it. And it looks like almost every package of Toyobo is a little different, often it will take a plate or two to make tests to get you back where you were with the previous package.
I have mostly seen polymer prints pulled by graphic artists and printmakers, who were printing in more intuitive ways, without caring or knowing too much about photographic sensitometry. So it is really nice to learn of your work on the process!
With my colleague Pirkko we had the chance to view your prints at APIS, and they were beautiful
! We had something to ask you about the works, but we didn't see you
any more after the first day, you disappeared somewhere ... or was it us who disappeared - we had so many things to see in Santa Fe and APIS ;)