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Re: laser printer for diginegs


I don't think you are going to be real happy with laser output for digital negatives, unless you are fine with a bitmapped negative. It depends on what kind of work you do, the process and the look you are going for.

Mark Nelson

www.PrecisionDigitalNegatives.com, PDNPrintForum@YahooGroups, www.MarkINelsonPhoto.com , sent from my iPhonetypeDeviceThingy

On Aug 28, 2009, at 9:22 AM, davidhatton@totalise.co.uk wrote:

Hi all,

Well, my epson 1290 has bitten the dust, bought the farm, snuffed it, shook a seven..etc and not before time I'm thinking. The amount of ink wasted trying to clear blocked nozzles would probably have put several children through university! In its defence though I often left it for several weeks between prints. Which is why I'm considering a laser printer instead of an inkjet.

I was wondering if anyone uses a laser printer to make digital negs as I don't think these (laser printers) have the same problems with blocked nozzles if left idle for weeks. I'm loath to replace the 1290 with another expensive colour inkjet only to have it block up again. If so what do you print on and are there any special techniques needed? Thanks in advance for all your help,

