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Re: laser printer for diginegs

Hi Mark,

I mainly try to make gum prints and bitmapped negs are fine for that, however
I also try to make Palladium and cyan prints so it has to be an all round solution. I'm just so fed up of throwing money away on waste ink! It's a problem alrighty.



On Aug 28 2009, Mark Nelson wrote:


I don't think you are going to be real happy with laser output for
digital negatives, unless you are fine with a bitmapped negative. It
depends on what kind of work you do, the process and the look you are
going for.

Mark Nelson

www.PrecisionDigitalNegatives.com, PDNPrintForum@YahooGroups, www.MarkINelsonPhoto.com
, sent from my iPhonetypeDeviceThingy

On Aug 28, 2009, at 9:22 AM, davidhatton@totalise.co.uk wrote:

> Hi all,
> Well, my epson 1290 has bitten the dust, bought the farm, snuffed
> it, shook a seven..etc and not before time I'm thinking. The amount
> of ink wasted trying to clear blocked nozzles would probably have
> put several children through university! In its defence though I
> often left it for several weeks between prints. Which is why I'm
> considering a laser printer instead of an inkjet.
> I was wondering if anyone uses a laser printer to make digital negs
> as I don't think these (laser printers) have the same problems with
> blocked nozzles if left idle for weeks. I'm loath to replace the
> 1290 with another expensive colour inkjet only to have it block up
> again. If so what do you print on and are there any special
> techniques needed? Thanks in advance for all your help,
> Regards
> Davidh