Re: laser printer for diginegs
Thanks Dan. I'll take a look
On Aug 28 2009, Daniel Williams wrote: wrote:
> Hi all,
> Well, my epson 1290 has bitten the dust, bought the farm, snuffed it,
> shook a seven..etc and not before time I'm thinking. The amount of ink
> wasted trying to clear blocked nozzles would probably have put several
> children through university! In its defence though I often left it for
> several weeks between prints. Which is why I'm considering a laser
> printer instead of an inkjet.
> I was wondering if anyone uses a laser printer to make digital negs as
> I don't think these (laser printers) have the same problems with
> blocked nozzles if left idle for weeks. I'm loath to replace the 1290
> with another expensive colour inkjet only to have it block up again.
> If so what do you print on and are there any special techniques
> needed? Thanks in advance for all your help,
> Regards
> Davidh
I know Jim Larimer makes B&W laser negatives for his gum dichromate and
gum-oil work. I think he is a member of this list so you may get a
response from him. I know that he is an active member of the Hybrid
Photo Forum and has work posted in the galleries there. He also has a
blog site that shows a lot of his work.
Dan Williams