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RE: black fingernails, et al, was Re: Paper - baby oil Digi Negs

Judy and list,

Well let's see a quick search came up with this.

Ansel died at 82
Stieglitz also 82
Edward Weston was 72
Minor at 68

I couldn't find the cause of death.
Hummm - either I have 2 or 12 years to go.<g>

Hope this helps

John Roseborough

> Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 21:20:44 -0400
> From: jseigel@panix.com
> Subject: black fingernails, et al, was Re: Paper - baby oil Digi Negs
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> On Sun, 30 Aug 2009, jefulton1 wrote:
> > Okay, SOME people did this. I remember the 'famed' black fingernails of
> > Amidol users. HOwever, in y now forty
> > years of working @ the San Francisco Art Institute in a department founded by
> > Ansel and Minor.....
> As I recall (OK, I don't really recall, but I SUSPECT !!) both Ansel and
> Minor died young-ish, even for that time. And I definitely do recall when
> I went to my first photography workshops in the 1980s, being told that
> photographers had a 40% higher cancer rate than the population at large.
> I don't know where that figure came from, but it was given as fact, and
> never contradicted.
> J.

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