Re: Trad Cyanotype ph levels?
včeraj se mi je drugače obrnilo. Dopoldne sta tast in tašča potrgala vse
grozdje na brajdah, ki jih imamo doma in v Glinku (tam ima tašča še
staro hišo) in je bilo treba včeraj to pospraviti. Ker se nam je sok, ki
so ga običajno hranili v sodu, zadnja leta vedno pokvaril, smo ga tokrat
stekleničili in tako je zmanjkalo časa za Ig.
Take akcije so običajno nenapovedane (tudi včeraj) in se je pač treba
Je bilo kaj posebnega?
Jacek Gonsalves pravi:
Hi all,
Doing some cyanotypes with a 3 bath (tap water) solution of a total of
10 mins. The last bath has Hydrogen peroxide 5ml in 1 litre of water.
I seem to keep getting intermitten results, sometimes mottling, grainy
I want to rule out water as one of the factors and I'm trying to control
each process.
I was wondering what sort of PH level I should have the water at?
Controlling the ph of the water, what do you use?
Other things, such as hard water, should I be wary off it? Should I be
using distilled water?
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