U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: haunted VDB

Re: haunted VDB

On Sun, 4 Oct 2009, Joao Ribeiro Globo wrote:

Thanks Judy.
Will there have any new issues of Post Factory?
Let me know if there will.
Hi Joao,

That's the second time this week I've had to say,"Devil, get thee behind me." Meaning, puleeze, I HOPE no more issues of P-F -- each one took over my life for longer than you would believe. (Now I'm doing my sane act.)
Wish me luck...

PS. Can you tell us phonetically how you pronounce your name? Is it "Joe," as in "GI Joe," or "jah-owe" as it sort of looks like from the spelling, or Hoah allowing for a soft "J"... or?

