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Re: printer recommendations? also "printer" thread, Vivera inks,agfa CopyJet

thanks for the warning.
that's the kind of info you can find (almost) only in the alt. proc. forums.

i will have a look about what's available here and at what cost. i'd hate to buy a printer and then be forced to import something from the us or the uk. all the time. lotus view, which is pretty close to me, has agfa copyjet film and it's not even that expensive.


Loris Medici schrieb:
Hi Phritz,
- Ink: If you keep the printer clean it doesn't spend too much. You have to clean the sensor and foam pads once a month. If not, the daily cleaning cycles use too much ink. It's a vicious circle...
- Transparencies: Sorry, you have to use top grade ones such as Pictorico or Agfa CopyJet/SelectJet... Cheap transparencies won't work. Sensor strip and such is not absolutely necessary (albeit good to have); I put a thin (0.25mm) Yupo plastic sheet under the transparency material (w/o affixing the sheets) and all goes smoothly.
So, if you don't also plan to obtain Pictorico or Agfa SelectJet/CopyJet, then don't think about B9180 (or any other pigment ink printer), just look for dye based products. Those will work fine with cheap transparencies.
