U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: speaking of printers...

Re: speaking of printers...

Sorry - QuadTone RIP. http://www.quadtonerip.com

Ron Reeder has some good information on his site for using QTR for digital
negs. www.ronreeder.com.

Also, lots of discussion on the Hybrid Photo forum. http://hybridphoto.com/


> I use QTR on both platforms for making digital negs. I find it to be the
> best work flow currently available for digital negs.
> Kerik
> www.kerik.com
>> Yes, Marek, there is a version for Mac which I use to print my
>> palladium negatives. Very easy in terms of printing (set to No Color
>> Management in Photoshop and just call your curve in the QTR print
>> driver).
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Marek Matusz <marekmatusz@hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Chris,
>>> Printing became so SIMPLE when I switched to QTR for printing
>>> diginegatives.
>>> I think it bypasses prifles, drives and everything else. Maybe there is
>>> a
>>> marek
