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Re: Flattening roll transparency media

thanks, loris
i already checked the site and it says "out of stock". i'll send them a mail, maybe there's still one left.


Loris Medici schrieb:
First, to all: Thanks much for the suggestions. I'm glad to hear that it's
not a big deal to flatten the cut sheets.

Phritz, see this, EUR 150 is high compared to their (EUR 86 + tax?) price:


-----Original Message-----
From: phritz phantom [mailto:phritz-phantom@web.de] Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 5:45 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Flattening roll transparency media

ah, perfect
i just looked around for the agfa copyjet film and i can get 42cm x 30m
rolls. one for appr. 150euro.
i remembered that you just talked about ordering the stuff in rolls. how do
you cut it?
also i'm interested if you find a solution to the curling problem.
maybe taping it to a substrate?


Loris Medici schrieb:

Hi all,
I just ordered two 17" x 100' rolls of Agfa SelectJet (CopyJet in sheet form). I plan cut the rolls into 13x17" sheets, which is perfectly fine for the images I plan to print.
My question is: Probably the cut sheets will curl. What should/can I do in order to flatten them?
My printer (HP B9180) doesn't accept roll media + it also needs perfectly flat media to work properly...
Thanks in advance,