U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: The list has moved (RE: getting the new list working- subscribing)

Re: The list has moved (RE: getting the new list working- subscribing)

Hi all,

There is a funny and true story that occurred in Toronto, On ( Canada) . A family received a card from a person. It was signed and read as, 'God' .The family became frantic at how to prepare for God coming for a visit...until the husband came home and looked at the card and said, "Oh, Gord is coming to visit!"


Susan from Western canada
On 2009-12-08, at 5:00 AM, Jean Daubas wrote:

He He he!
They always told me to look up towards the sky to see God! I understand now why I never saw him : I should have looked downwards !
Unless I am supposed to look at God on the screen of my view camera...
What are your instructions, Gord ?
Cheers from france,
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: The list has moved (RE: getting the new list working- subscribing)

Well, I like Gord as well as the next guy, but when did we elevate 
his status to such a degree?

On Dec 8, 2009, at 12:11 AM, Dave S wrote:

> Just a reminder that we have moved. If you haven't subscribed to 
> the new list,
> please follow the instruction given by God below.
> Dave