U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: time to move to the new list

Re: time to move to the new list

Hi all,

The transition to the new list is going rather smooth I think. A large number of people have succesfully subscribed.

I have had two requests from people who did not receive the confirmation e-mail, or any new list mail after trying to subscribe to the new list. This might be the case when the confirmation e-mail gets caught in a spamfilter somewhere. We have not seen any bounced e-mail on our side yet. E-mail can bounce when a provider blocks us for some reason (this will be very rare) or when a mailbox is full. Check your local spamfolder first. If nothing helps I can add people manually. You can send me an e-mail offlist for this.

The listinfopage is here: http://altphoto.org/listinfo



On 7 dec 2009, at 16:21, Gordon J. Holtslander wrote:

> Hello Everyone:
> Its time to move our  regular discussion to the new list: alt-photo-process-list@lists.altphotolist.org
> I will forward any message sent to the old list to the new list.
> If anyone has not yet subscribed to the new list the details are below:
> There are two ways to subscribe:
> Via a web page:
> http://lists.altphotolist.org/mailman/listinfo/alt-photo-process-list
> This page will ask you to enter your name, your email address and a password. Mailman then sends an email message that you must respond to, either by replying to the message, or going to a specific web page.
> The second way to subscribe is via email.
> An email message can be sent to this address:
>  Alt-photo-process-list-request@lists.altphotolist.org
> in the subject line you must enter the following:
>  subscribe your-password digest
> where your-password is a password of your own choosing
> if you want to receive a digest (all the messages from one day in one message)
> or
>  subscribe your-password nodigest
> where your-password is a password of your own choosing
> if you want want to receive the messages one at a time as they are posted
> Gord Holtslander
> List Manager
> -- 
> Gordon J. Holtslander
> gjh@shaw.ca