[Alt-photo-process-list] Re: Few points about the new list...

Kees Brandenburg ctb at zeelandnet.nl
Fri Dec 4 16:09:04 GMT 2009

Hi Loris,

1. I'll look into that. But I'm not seeing any .txt attachments here. What mail client do you use?
2. Both can be changed or removed but a (simpler) footer makes it much easier to unsubscribe.



On 4 dec 2009, at 16:22, Loris Medici wrote:

> Hi Gord,
> 1. Some messages (more than 50%) have a small .txt attachment which is
> annoying. It's probably due people posting in .html format. Can't we set the
> list to only accept text messages? (Or better, automatically change the
> format the messages to .txt.)
> 2. Can't we drop:
>    a. The list prefix "[Alt-photo-process-list]" from message subjects?
> (That will present more information to the user - on the mail header view
> screen in the mail client.)
>    b. The constant signature/suffix in the bottom of messages? (It's an
> extra burden to clear it and also it's a useless overhead in the message
> body.)
> Regards,
> Loris.
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