[alt-photo] Re: Van Dyke Brown - cloudy emulsion when combining Sol'n C to A+B

francis schanberger frangst at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 03:39:29 GMT 2010


How long did you wait before testing? VDB should be ripened 24 - 48 hours
for better dmax.

Because of advice gleaned from the altlist, I have take to adding the silver
nitrate drop by drop to the A + B mix. It still forms an initial cloudy mix
but I have noticed that almost everything goes back into solution within a

-francis schanberger

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 10:50 PM, Brian Pawlowski <beepee at gmail.com> wrote:

> Std solutions (Fe Ammon Citrate is A, Tartaric Acid B, Silver Nitrate C).
> Distilled water, made solutions separate. Stirred until all dissolved. Put
> A+B - no problem. Added C to A+B (perhaps too rapidly) - got a very cloudy
> emulsion that settles a bit on sitting - 60ml cloudy bottom (clearly
> visible
> through brown glass), 40ml clear on top?
> Help?
> Chemicals about 1.5 years old (dry) from Art Craft (FAC), Tartaric Acid
> Photographer's Formulary.
> Coated COT 320 - 31 step table for 8 minutes. VERY LIGHT brown image (not
> dark) - yet I am 2 - 3 stops overexposed looking at merged steps, see a
> nice
> scale.
> Thanks in advance,
> Brian
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francis schanberger


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