[alt-photo] Re: Semi alt show - Shanghai

Amy Holmes George amyhgeorge at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 10 03:47:17 GMT 2010

Sam, sure wish I could be there to sign one of those first copies of your beautiful new book!! I know that your show and reception will be a great success.
Amy Holmes George

> Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 13:09:46 +0800
> From: samwang864 at gmail.com
> To: alt-photo-process-list at lists.altphotolist.org
> Subject: [alt-photo] Semi alt show - Shanghai
> Anyone who happens to be in Shanghai is cordially invited to the opening
> reception of my show at The Spring Gallery, No. 5 Lane 209, Nanchang Road,
> 3:00-6:00PM on Saturday, April 10th.
> The round images were made with cameras of my design to include the lens'
> entire image circle. So that part is alt, not the printing process.
> The show will close on May 20th, and most of the prints will also be on view
> at the Shanghai Arts Fest, May 12-16.
> Would love to see some of you there!
> Sam Wang
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