[alt-photo] Re: New Platinum Prints

Loris Medici mail at loris.medici.name
Mon Apr 12 08:37:42 GMT 2010

Actually it's beneficial to use a long scale process with digital negatives
(as long as the inks can give sufficient density of course!), since the low
contrast emulsion masks printer's dithering / weaving pattern pretty
efficiently, giving very smooth and rich tonalities. Keeping all else
constant (such as printer, transparency material, paper...), I can see the
dithering with cyanotype whereas I can't see it with pop pd, and the pd
prints aren't less sharp than cyanotype prints at all... (Both will show 2x2
pixels checkerboard pattern in 360ppi file resolution, which makes ~7 lines
per mm print resolution. This is the max I can get from my printer anyway.)


-----Original Message-----
From: alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org On Behalf Of
etienne garbaux
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 7:58 PM
To: The alternative photographic processes mailing list
Subject: [alt-photo] Re: New Platinum Prints

Mark wrote:

>I print quite frequently with digital negatives and pure palladium-that 
>has an exposure scale a couplle stops above log  2.4 you mentioned.  
>Most people I know using digital negatives don't use short scale pt/pd.

Loris wrote:

>Indeed, the DR of the print-out pd process I use is something around 
>log 2.9 for instance (can be stretched to > log 3.0 actually), and I 
>also use digital negatives.

Thank you both for sharing.  I'm glad to see long-scale Pt/Pd hasn't gone
totally by the wayside.

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