[alt-photo] Re: New Platinum Prints

etienne garbaux photographeur at nerdshack.com
Sun Apr 11 16:57:52 GMT 2010

Mark wrote:

>I print quite frequently with digital negatives 
>and pure palladium—that has an exposure scale a 
>couplle stops above log  2.4 you 
>mentioned.  Most people I know using digital 
>negatives don't use short scale pt/pd.

Loris wrote:

>Indeed, the DR of the print-out pd process I use 
>is something around log 2.9 for instance (can be 
>stretched to > log 3.0 actually), and I also use digital negatives.

Thank you both for sharing.  I'm glad to see 
long-scale Pt/Pd hasn't gone totally by the wayside.

Best regards,


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