[alt-photo] Re: Which current A3+ Epson printers for digital negatives?

Keith Gerling keith.gerling at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 15:29:44 GMT 2010

Over $9/gallon for gas??  Ah, so THAT is the reason the drivers in Turkey
are so slow and cautious!  They are conserving fuel.

On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 9:13 AM, Loris Medici <mail at loris.medici.name> wrote:

> Sorry if that has been asked recently but I have two students asking me for
> a printer recommendation, especially for making digital negatives.
> I personally use HP9180 which is more than fine (very good UV blocking but
> slightly coarser image compared to Epson's latest 38xx offerings...), but
> they don't sell it in Turkey. We can only find its simpler brother HP8850.
> (No closed-loop-calibration, simpler control panel but same printheads and
> ink carts.)
> Since HP's offering is pretty pricey (something like USD 725 - Yes, you
> read
> it right, no typos; we have very high importation tax and VAT here...
> Irrelevant, but we also have the highest prices on earth for gasoline:
> Currently USD 9.12 / US gallon!), I also wanted to check for suitable Epson
> printers.
> The requirement are as following: 1) A3+ print size, 2) UV blocking up to
> log 3.0, "w/o using black". Is there any good Epson product compatible with
> that criteria?
> Thanks in advance,
> Loris.
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