[alt-photo] Re: OT: We're getting some snow down here in Texas

Christina Anderson zphoto at montana.net
Sat Feb 13 14:39:24 GMT 2010

Dear Jeremy and Kerik,
Love the lone tree outside the apt. building--very Todd Hido-ish meets Keith Carter.  And the basketball hoop, Kerik. That is a lot of snow.

I grew up in Baltimore and only remember one blizzard when I was quite young where power was out for days.  It was so exciting!  So even still when I see the east coast inundated with snow it sends a thrill.  And even though I have lived in states where large amounts of snow are the norm (MN and MT), every snowfall is still a thrill. But D.C. has been HUGELY hit. I've never seen anything like it.  We had a 24 incher this year, early on, but that's the biggest I've seen in one storm here even.

But I have to tell a funny on myself.  We drive in snow all the time, of course, so no biggie.  But when I was in grad school in South Carolina, our class was in Charleston photographing and a snowstorm occurred.  I blithely offered to drive the van home to Clemson (several hr away) because I was so "experienced" in snow.  Well, NOT SC snow.  I thought we would die.  IT was solid, rutted, ICE snow, all the trees were coated with ice, as we drove along the freeway all of a sudden a huge branch of a tree or a tree, even,  would just break and fall!  I have never seen that before ever, and going down the hill to my house that night was short of a horror show.  So it gave me great respect for travel advisories down South that say "stay home".  The result of that ice storm is actually (to bring this anecdote back to photography) on the cover of the Freestyle catalog this past month, a chromoskedasic sabattier.

Much different than dry MT or MN snow.

Christina Z. Anderson

On Feb 13, 2010, at 3:32 AM, Jeremy Moore wrote:

> Here are a few more from another trip outside this morning with the dogs.
> snow portraits, 2 am, fort worth, tx.
> http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g10/jeremydmoore/snowportraits_03.jpg
> http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g10/jeremydmoore/snowportraits_02.jpg
> http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g10/jeremydmoore/snowportraits_01.jpg
> The amount of snow here is just stunning. I only remember getting this much
> in Virginia a few times. Once the slush freezes over I'm looking forward to
> being stuck inside for a day "forced" to make alt prints :)
> -Jeremy-
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 10:09 PM, Kerik <kerik at kerik.com> wrote:
>> Our big storm happened in December. The most snow we've had in more than
>> 20 years (N. California foothills). Here are a couple of 8x10 collodion
>> plates I made:
>> http://kerik.com/snow1.jpg
>> http://kerik.com/snow2.jpg
>> --
>> Kerik
>> www.kerik.com
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