[alt-photo] Re: Vertical Banding in Prints Produced from Digital Negatives

colin at colinflanarygraham.com colin at colinflanarygraham.com
Sat Feb 20 23:29:59 GMT 2010

Are you using 2880 dpi with high speed off in the epson driver? I have had this
problem with 1440 dpi selected, fine detail, edge smoothing and other such
options turned on in the epson driver; or with certain dither algorithms when
using RIPs such as QTR.

(sorry if this comes through twice, forgot to turn off html settings in mail server)

On Sat Feb 20 14:58 , Amy Holmes George <amyhgeorge at hotmail.com> sent:

>Hello all,
>I would gladly welcome any suggestions you may have regarding a recurring issue.
I am printing digital negatives on Pictorico transparency film (Ultra Premium)
with an Epson 3800 for use with pt/pd on COT 320 (and exposing in a Nuarc). For
some reason, I am seeing a predictable pattern of vertical bands visible only in
flat areas of high value such as the sky (please refer to attached jpg). This
banding is not visible in the negative—even under magnification, and it is not
specific to any one image. To me, the only logical explanation is my printer. So,
I have performed a nozzle check, head cleaning and head alignment, but all the
test results indicate no problems. I have even wiped down the interior according
to the Epson printer manual instructions, and still the problem persists. What
could cause this banding? I am out of ideas and feeling rather frustrated . . .
>Thank you,Amy 		 	   		  
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