[alt-photo] Re: expired polaroid

francis schanberger frangst at gmail.com
Fri Jan 1 18:01:36 GMT 2010

With time zero and 600 it is possible and very tedious to reload an empty
film pack in which the batteries still have some life with film from a
"dead" battery pack. At the very least it is a good party gag to learn.
Imagine going around at a party with an SX-70 pack loaded with pre-exposed /
developed images. Point the camera at some one. An image comes out which you
hold for a minute shaking if you please and a portrait of a gallery owner is
that of a dog.

Allegedly this was a Darryl Curran (Cal State University Fullerton) party
trick in the mid 1990's.


On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Joseph Smigiel <jsmigiel at net-link.net>wrote:

> If the peel-apart pack film (e.g., type 669, 665, 55, etc.,) has been
> frozen the chemical pods have probably burst ruining the film pack.  If the
> pods have desiccated, they may be OK to some degree with "arty" effects
> possible.  Or the pods may be fine.  Same with the 35mm instant type - the
> film backing may have dried or chemicals desiccated.
> The integral type (Time-Zero, type 600) may have expired batteries in the
> pack rendering the film pack useless.
> The only way to tell is to try and see what happens.  Avoid anything frozen
> though.
> Joe
> On Jan 1, 2010, at 11:38 AM, Laura V wrote:
>  I hope polaroid isn't too off topic for alt photography...it seems pretty
>> alt to me :)
>> The question is, has anyone used expired polaroid film? My daughter wants
>> to buy a batch that expired in 2005...she's ok with "arty" effects, but
>> doesn't want to blow her hard earned student income on something that gives
>> no results at all.
>> Thanks! Laura
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francis schanberger


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