[alt-photo] Re: pre-shrinking paper

Joseph Smigiel jsmigiel at net-link.net
Mon Jan 18 19:48:27 GMT 2010


I assume since you are working with 16" x 20" sheets you are  
employing digital negatives.  As Christina suggests, you could  
measure the shrinkage after each successive layer and create a  
specific negative to match the image size at that point.  I'd create  
a digital scale of some sort outside the image border on the  
negative, moving its position around the 4 edges for each negative as  
an aide in determining the percent reduction required.  For example,  
a cm scale at the top for Cyan, at right for Magenta, bottom for  
Yellow and left for Black.


On Jan 18, 2010, at 2:08 PM, francis schanberger wrote:

> I have relatively little experience pre-shrinking paper and would  
> like to
> solicit advice from the alt processes list.
> I am working on a three color gum with a cyanotype layer and  
> noticed that
> the paper dimensions did change even after a pre-soak and dry in  
> hot water
> for an hour. The image dimensions are roughly 20" x 16".
> -- 
> francis schanberger
> www.frangst.com
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