[alt-photo] Re: ?: Re: Official press release about HPlarge formatnegatives

BOB KISS bobkiss at caribsurf.com
Fri Jul 16 15:31:03 GMT 2010

A STORY (parable?),
	I have photographed some large white lilies that only bloom at the
beginning of our rainy season (end of June to early July).  The images are
very lovely and classical in nature.  I shot them with 8X10 Tri-x and
processed in PMK.  I have made PT-PD contact prints which looked great.  I
then scanned the neg and worked on the file in Frotoshop.  I then output two
things; a very nice 15X19 inch digital print and a 15X19 inch neg on my
Epson 3800 which I printed as PT-PT on 20X24 COT 320.  I show both to
prospective buyers.  With only one exception so far, people love the images
but the majority hold the PT-PD print in their hands and stare at it with a
dreamy look in their eyes.  They say things like, "I love how the print
feels", "It has so much depth and subtlety", "it looks so 19th century"
etc., etc.  I have shown these prints to about 2 dozen people.  I know this
is a small sample size but the results are at least suggestive.
	Sooooooooooooooooo, I agree for at least the 3rd time that the image
has to be great to get their attention in the first place but the object of
art is extremely important as well.  We care how it was done.  They don't
care how it was done.  But they LOVE the results.  

-----Original Message-----
From: alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org
[mailto:alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org] On Behalf Of
G Schmitz
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 8:54 AM
To: The alternative photographic processes mailing list
Subject: [alt-photo] Re: ?: Re: Official press release about HPlarge

  On 7/16/10 2:39 AM, Keith Gerling wrote:
> Regarding Vermeer, there are arguments that he used a camera obscura in
> work. As an aid in composition and to obtain that "alt look" that many of
> seek.  I think is is very possible that he might have used an Epson with
> Photoshop had he the opportunity.  And why not?
> http://www.essentialvermeer.com/camera_obscura/co_one.html
> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Joseph Smigiel<smieglitz at gmail.com>
==rest deleted: snip%<

It's probably a long shot to speculate on what Vemeer had in mind, but 
lots of folks have written books about  just that sort of thing.

I'm thrilled by some of the responses to this thread because I do think 
process informs the outcome.  The tools we choose to use do affect what 
happens and how we think - like it or not.  To deny the effects of 
process on the work we do is to live in a fools paradise.  For those of 
you who do what you do for whatever reasons, EXCLUDING the marketplace - 
spot on!

;)  --greg

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