[alt-photo] Re: post fixer toning of VDB

Loris Medici mail at loris.medici.name
Fri Jul 16 15:55:27 GMT 2010

  Francis, a wild a.. guess: bleach the print using a rehalogenating 
bleach (e.g. 10% potassium dichromate + 10% sulfuric acid, 1+1), then 
try to tone (and fix, and wash) and see what happens???

OTOH, to my knowing, the gold toner will work after fixing too, you'll 
just need to refix and wash. Probably the results will be different that 
toning before fixing...


16.07.2010 18:27, francis schanberger yazmış:
> Does anyone know if it is possible to tone with gold chloride after fixing a
> vandyke brown with hypo? Like POP, Vandyke Browns need to be toned prior to
> fixing but I was hoping that there might be a way to chemically return the
> print to a stage that would make it receptive to gold chloride or some other
> toner.
> Any ideas?

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