[alt-photo] Re: upcoming fall workshop

Christina Anderson zphoto at montana.net
Tue Jul 20 15:36:12 GMT 2010

BTW, no they are not just into collotype.  And I will put in a plug for his platinum brush that I bought. It is INCREDIBLY made. It is like a stitched magic brush, very sturdy, very wide, and won't rust/peel paint/etc. like my very unmagic brush did. It was not cheap, but is a work of art.  

Toyoshi advertised it on the list a while ago but here it is again:
"I have Japanese magic brush that I mentioned last year here finally. I only have 3" right now, but let me know if you are still interested. It is $95 for 3". They can make as wide as 6" or even more if you like."

The picture doesn't do the brush justice--the bristles are thin and synthetic just like the magic brush.

For gum I don't have to go this far, still preferring the Connoisseur 150 series of stitched hake brushes.  I buy them by the dozen, bring them for sale when I do workshops, because at my university I can get them close to cost...I think they have recently gone up a dollar but they are still under $9 (used to be $6.75 but I think they are $8.25 or $8.75 now).


Christina Z. Anderson

On Jul 20, 2010, at 10:15 AM, Tomas Sobota wrote:

> I don't know why, but I thought that these Basho Project people were only
> interested in Collotype ... Obviously not.

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