[alt-photo] Re: molarity problem

Don Bryant donsbryant at gmail.com
Sat Jul 24 05:17:20 GMT 2010


OK.  Let me see if I have this straight using a different process.   
In wetplate collodion some of the commonly used salts are Cadmium  
Bromide (CdBr2) and Cadmium Iodide (CdI2).  I'd like to get away from  
using cadmium since it is so toxic and substitute something like  
Potassium Bromide (KBr) and Potassium Iodide (KI) salts.  The halogen  
combines with the silver in the Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) sensitizing  
bath to form Silver Bromide (AgBr) and Silver Iodide (AgI) and  
therefore the proper balance of halogen salts is important.

So, to maintain proper halogen content when substituting the metals,  
I'd need to know the following:

We used to have at least two genuine chemists on the list, Sal Horowitz and
Linus Kudzma.

Sal left the list years ago and so perhaps Linas. But Linas has a Facebook
page if you wish to find him and is a PhD chemist and is an excellent
platinum printer. Contact him and he can answer your question with authority
if he is in the mood to accept queries.

Don Bryant

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