[alt-photo] Re: Klein Blue (ping Katherine...)

Katharine Thayer kthayer at pacifier.com
Thu Jul 29 19:52:48 GMT 2010

On Jul 29, 2010, at 10:25 AM, Marek Matusz wrote:

> Keith
> Looking at the painting on my uncalibrated monitor I can see a  
> substantial purple component to the blue. It is difficult to judge  
> the intensity on the screen. To my eye the paint is a mix of phtalo/ 
> ultramarine and some kind of binder or extender. Phtalo blue is  
> dominated now by paint/printing industry, but it is possible that  
> there was a variant back then that had a different hue.
> FOr gum I would suggest using two or more separate blue layers.  
> Start with an indantthrone blue layer and then print another layer  
> of thalo blue on top. This is my trick to having blues that are not  
> as cyan as phtalo or prussian, especially for "must have" this  
> shade of sky. You can mix the pigments, but the visual effect is  
> not quite the same, but then you know all the gum tricks.
> Marek

I concur; excellent idea,

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