[alt-photo] Re: potassium phosphate

David Ashcraft davidashcraft at sti.net
Mon Jun 28 17:47:31 GMT 2010

I had read that it was possible to produce a blue tone using this.   
The pics are winter scenes of ice and snow and printing them in warm  
tones isn't the look I want.  My other pics are in pt/pd so I want to  
keep using these materials.  I used the ammonium citrate and gold but  
wanted to go still cooler using the developer to do so.

What formula are you using?

On Jun 28, 2010, at 4:16 AM, Jon Reid wrote:

> I use it all the time David. I use it typically around room temp  
> (~20-23)℃. It's a reasonably subtle difference depending on paper  
> but on Arches platine it produces quite a nice tone just warm of  
> neutral. I'm wanting to explore Ammonium Citrate for it's alleged  
> cooler tones and slightly higher contrast but am having trouble  
> sourcing any locally.
> I'm also going to explore adding Gold chloride to my mix to explore  
> it's tone changing characteristics though I've read arguments for  
> and against.
> Jon
> On 28/06/2010, at 2:55 AM, David Ashcraft wrote:
>> Has anyone used potassium phosphate with potassium oxalate as a pt  
>> developer?  I want to make pt prints in a cooler tone, any  
>> suggestions?
>> David
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