[alt-photo] Re: Alt-photo-process-list Digest, Vol 81, Issue 2

Loris Medici mail at loris.medici.name
Wed Mar 3 18:03:06 GMT 2010

Welcome Walter,

Plastic bottles are OK. Apart amber bottles, I have also used plastic
bottles; two types 1.PET (resin symbol 1) and 2.PP (resin symbol 5)
w/o any adverse effects. Just keep them out of UV light. (Especially
if they're transparent!)


2010/3/3 walter <walter23 at gmail.com>:
> Hi, I'm new to the list.
> ...
> Now, I'm going to mix up a bottle of saturated K-dichromate to keep
> that variable constant.  Have any of you used plastic bottles?  I'm
> having trouble finding brown glass bottles but the drug store gave me
> a couple of plastic ones used for dispensing cough syrup / liquid
> medication.  Would any of you seasoned gum printers recommend skipping
> that and ordering some glass ones?  I know where to get them but I'm
> sort of intensely trying to work out the printing methods right now
> and I don't want to wait the week or two for a delivery.

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