[alt-photo] Re: applying PVA size

Diana Bloomfield dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net
Thu Mar 4 18:27:49 GMT 2010

You know, I'm always surprised when I hear people say that.  I see  
only a very slight sheen on my prints-- and much less noticeable than  
the shine (and the little sparkles-- no matter what I did to eliminate  
them) I consistently had when using gelatin/glyoxal.  Maybe it's the  
paper choice, I don't know.  I only get this very subtle smooth  
sheen-- not even all that noticeable unless you hold the image a  
certain way.  I think that must vary depending on the paper. ??


On Mar 4, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Keith Gerling wrote:

> Mostly, on wood.  Although I have made some very small prints on  
> paper as
> well.  I love the way it works and how quick and easy it is.  I just  
> hate
> that shine....
> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Paul Viapiano  
> <viapiano at pacbell.net> wrote:
>> Keith...
>> Are you using it on paper or on your prepared wood-gesso-marble-dust
>> supports?
>> Paul

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