[alt-photo] Re: PVA for SIZE & GUM ?

Jeremy Moore jeremydmoore at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 20:57:01 GMT 2010

If Gamblin PVA Size were changed or Gamblin removed it from the market I'd
just go back to formalin-hardened gelatin and make a lot fewer prints. Is
this the question (what would you do if Gamblin PVA Size
changed/disappeared) or are you asking in terms of teaching a workshop?


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Judy Seigel <jseigel at panix.com> wrote:

> I expect to run a gum workshop this summer, and tho I usually open a
> workshop with full-fledged paper sizing (shrink, coat, recoat, harden & like
> that), and my instinct is to do that anyway as a token of "history," and/or
> fail-safe in case PVA is a market item that could disappear or be changed by
> manufacturer(s), or not available in the antarctic, I wonder how folks who
> use PVA for gum would treat that question?
> TIA,
> Judy

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