[alt-photo] OT: Limit to # of emails? WAS Re: to shrink or not to shrink (registration)

Jeremy Moore jeremydmoore at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 20:13:37 GMT 2010

I don't care how many emails anyone sends. Yes, maybe Paul could have made
one post detailing the progress when he finished the entire print, but you
can tell he's EXCITED and that excitement is infective--look at the new
discussion he has spurred on! I use GMail and have any email coming
from alt-photo-process-list at lists.altphotolist.or tagged as "alt-photo" and
are filtered out of my inbox into a different folder so I don't have any
problems with this.

I don't see any difference between 10 email from one person or 10 emails
from 10 different people as they are all alt-related and I don't want to
shut down anyone's education or engagement in the alt community. I assume
you're either "clogged" due to the quantity of email in your inbox or you're
"clogged" from a quantity of emails from Paul. If it's the quantity from the
list then what do you do when we're just very list-active? I know Judy and
Katherine and Christina have all posted >10 emails in a 24 hr period (I just
searched my archive) and no one complained then.

Finally, you have the option with the new list to get a digest--a collection
of all emails sent once daily. I'd suggest using the technology available to
ease the problem on your end as opposed to curtailing possible discussion.

One man's opinion,

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 2:50 PM, John Edwards <edw4 at mindspring.com> wrote:

> Although I don't join in, I do pick up useful info from this group,
> but...
> c'mon, Paul - ten emails in 24 hours ?
> I don't want to drop out or block you.
> - just sign me
> Clogged
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