[alt-photo] Re: OT: Limit to # of emails? WAS Re: to shrink or not to shrink (registration)

John Edwards edw4 at mindspring.com
Mon Mar 22 20:34:12 GMT 2010

Thank you - I was not aware that the new version included a digest option.
No offense meant, Paul - excitement is to be encouraged.
     - (The Original, not the haircut guy) John Edwards
(and, btw, I have a fairly complete set of Judy's Journals still on my 
bookshelf, and may someday understand at least part of them)

Jeremy Moore wrote:
> I don't care how many emails anyone sends. Yes, maybe Paul could have made
> one post detailing the progress when he finished the entire print, but you
> can tell he's EXCITED and that excitement is infective--look at the new
> discussion he has spurred on! I use GMail and have any email coming
> from alt-photo-process-list at lists.altphotolist.or tagged as "alt-photo" and
> are filtered out of my inbox into a different folder so I don't have any
> problems with this.
> I don't see any difference between 10 email from one person or 10 emails
> from 10 different people as they are all alt-related and I don't want to
> shut down anyone's education or engagement in the alt community. I assume
> you're either "clogged" due to the quantity of email in your inbox or you're
> "clogged" from a quantity of emails from Paul. If it's the quantity from the
> list then what do you do when we're just very list-active? I know Judy and
> Katherine and Christina have all posted >10 emails in a 24 hr period (I just
> searched my archive) and no one complained then.
> Finally, you have the option with the new list to get a digest--a collection
> of all emails sent once daily. I'd suggest using the technology available to
> ease the problem on your end as opposed to curtailing possible discussion.
> One man's opinion,
> -Jeremy-
> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 2:50 PM, John Edwards <edw4 at mindspring.com> wrote:
>> Although I don't join in, I do pick up useful info from this group,
>> but...
>> c'mon, Paul - ten emails in 24 hours ?
>> I don't want to drop out or block you.
>> - just sign me
>> Clogged
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