[alt-photo] Re: Unpredictable Epson 1270

Diana Bloomfield dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net
Tue May 4 16:54:59 GMT 2010


I have experienced that on the 3800, at odd times.  A negative will be  
printing along nicely, and for some reason, it just stops mid-way and  
ejects it.  The only thing I've been able to determine is that when  
this has happened, the transparency didn't initially feed as straight  
as it could have.  It seems to be very slightly skewed.  Why it would  
choose to stop printing mid-way is beyond me, but whenever I ensure  
that the transparency goes in absolutely perfectly straight, it seems  
to work fine.  Mine seems to happen only with negatives, too.  I'm  
sure someone else will chime in, but that's what's happened with me  
and the 3800.  I've noticed also that it's only happened with slightly  
thinner negatives (not with Pictorico, for instance).  ?


On May 4, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Rajul wrote:

> I have run into problems printing negs on this printer. Sometimes it  
> prints as it is supposed to, at other times it ejects OHP mid-way  
> through a run.
> Has anyone encountered a similar problem or has any suggestion as to  
> how it may be corrected?
> Thanks in advance.  Rajul
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