[alt-photo] Re: Epson 3800 Ink Expiration Date and Epson Driver

Loris Medici mail at loris.medici.name
Thu May 27 20:26:18 GMT 2010

Not that I have experience with 3800 and/or QTR BUT I'd definitely
give a go and see how that works...

Amy, BTW, have you tried to print the negatives with no AMC (which
looks much better), and placing a tranparent substrate between the
negative and the coated paper? Something like 3-4 mils (75-100
micrometers) may help in diffusing the pattern... Of course image
detail will suffer, but you can counteract this by doing slightly more
aggressive sharpening. Inkjet negatives aren't too sharp generally,
therefore the overall difference could prove negligible. (A remedy for
problem images maybe?)

Plus, how do you feed the transparency into the printer? I mean, do
you use a support sheet under the negative? Pictorico OHP thickness is
something like 6 mils (145 micrometers, exactly - if it's the premium
version and I'm not mistaking; talking from memory right now...),
whereas photo papers' thickness is usually something around 10 mils
(250 micrometers). Therefore, you may experience better performance by
feeding the OHP sandwiching it with a support sheet, increasing the
cumulative thickness to something around 10 mils - what the printer
expects / is optimized for. ??? (That's in case the printer doesn't
arrange itself by sensing the substrate's thickness - I don't know how
3800 works in that context.)

I'd first try the latter, then the former, and then both...

Hope this helps, (kinda WAG)

2010/5/27 Kerik <kerik at kerik.com>:
> Just to chime in, my experience echoes Marek's. I've had such great
> results with this printer and QTR for digital negs it's the only combo I
> recommend when people ask. As with most things, there is a learning curve
> to hurdle, but after that, life is easy. :-)
> Kerik
> www.kerik.com
>> I have been using that printer for over 2 years now, never had touched any
>> adjustments and since switching to QTR rip as driver life has been so
>> simple, perfect negatives every time.
>> Marek

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