[alt-photo] Re: tintypes

Mary Donato gneissgirl at icehouse.net
Thu Nov 4 14:56:24 GMT 2010


Please let us know about your results when you have a chance to make and 
test your reversal developer recipe.
I had a lot of fun a couple of years ago making dry-plate tintypes with 
the Rockland kit (in-camera, tiny, square format things, so cute).
Then I ran out of developer :( and everything came to a screeching halt.
I didn't want to order a gallon, and it's pretty expensive, anyway. As I 
recall, the shelf life of the developer is fairly short. I didn't have 
any joy with the exhausted fixer thing. So I'd love to be able to make 
small batches of developer. Bet I'm not the only one, too!
Thanks for sharing the info!



On 11/4/2010 8:28 AM, Christina Anderson wrote:
> Andy,
> No, not so powerful: the MSDSes are on the web with the ingredients, but there is confusion in the marking of Solution 1, 2, 3 between the kits which is what I had to clarify with Rockland. It was more of a panic than a power because I have to have MSDSes on hand when I teach in case there is some disaster and a student flicks something into their eye. I am legally required to add the MSDSes to this notebook BEFORE I show the process.
> There is a big difference between a 5% thio and a 50% thiocyanate, in other words....and the white powder....who knows what it might have been.
> But at the same time, I am finding this a fascinating study--between tintype and chromo and Dalla Tana's process which I don't know--and the possibility of chromoing tintype which maybe I'll find out this week if all goes well.
> But I will make up my own tintype developer and see if a) it is cheaper and b) it works and c) is it worth the extra trouble...probably not. But I have all the chemicals in my cupboard anyway and an approx of what the measurements should be.
> Chris
> Christina Z. Anderson
> christinaZanderson.com
> On Nov 4, 2010, at 7:54 AM, Andy Schmitt wrote:

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