[alt-photo] Re: Casein source

Alberto Novo alt.list at albertonovo.it
Tue Apr 12 14:33:36 GMT 2011


> ... I was able to get samples of sodium and ammonium which I mixed with no added alkali. I wanted to compare apples to apples in the mixing. Ammonium does get thinner after a few days and I am waiting to see if sodium does, too.

The alkalies break the bonds among carboxylic and amino group of the casein, 
which is a protein. The stronger the alkaly, the faster should be this 
When I prepared my mix from casein and ammonia, I found that it would last 
about a week in a tightly sealed jar in my refrigerator. However, as I have 
already told, such a mix can be ready for use in less about half an hour. 



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