[alt-photo] Re: puzzled

G Schmitz coldbay1 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 22 00:48:12 GMT 2011

Gmail does not show you copies of messages that you send to lists (they 
are not sent to your inbox).  I guess that Google assumes you can read a 
copy in your sent mail box.  It's a feature I and many others are not 
happy with as there is no confirmation that a message has gotten to the 
list, except perhaps the list archive.

--greg schmitz

On 1/21/11 2:41 PM, david drake photo wrote:
> Thanks Richard.
> I should have added that I use Gmail which forwards to my Mail program 
> (mac).
> I did email myself and that went through fine.
> I did check the Spam filter on Google Mail and there isn't any spam.
> I'm guessing it's probably something to do with Gmail.
> david
> On 21-Jan-11, at 5:56 PM, Richard Knoppow wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "david drake photo" 
>> <ddrakephoto at casadrake.ca>
>> To: "The alternative photographic processes mailing list" 
>> <alt-photo-process-list at lists.altphotolist.org>
>> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 2:31 PM
>> Subject: [alt-photo] puzzled
>>> I can't figure out why if I send the list an email, I don't receive  
>>> the email. However, if I look in the alt photo archives, the email 
>>> is  there. So everyone else is receiving my email.
>>> Is this something to do with how I'm set up with the list?
>>> Please help.
>>> david
>>   A couple of possibilities: One, do you have a spam blocker? I use 
>> the one at Earthlink which is my ISP despite the netcom address. The 
>> spam blocker shunts all my messages to lists to the "suspect mail" 
>> folder on the web mail site and I must move them manually. Adding my 
>> own address to the white list doesn't fix this and I can't get any 
>> aswers from anyone at tech support, however, it seems to affect 
>> everyone using the blocker.
>>   Another possiblility is that your mail client is hiding the 
>> messages due to some setting. I am not familiar with Apple Mail so I 
>> can't suggest anything but its worth looking for.
>> -- 
>> Richard Knoppow
>> Los Angeles, CA, USA
>> dickburk at ix.netcom.com
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