[alt-photo] Re: gum speckling

Diana Bloomfield dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net
Fri Nov 18 17:13:12 GMT 2011

What does the speckling look like, Matt?  Whenever I've had any kind  
of speckling, it's typically from using too much pigment-- but maybe  
what I'm envisioning as "speckling," is not the same as what you're  
seeing.  Is the pigment flaking off, or is it just not being picked up  
by the paper?   From what I understand, excess heat can sometimes  
cause a kind of speckling.  I always let my prints dry in the dark,  
using no added heat-- just room temperature drying-- but if you're  
using a hair dryer-- could be too much heat?  Can you show us one of  
the speckled images?  That might help.

On Nov 18, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Willen, Matthew S wrote:

> Hi, Just wondering if someone might help me out here. My gum prints  
> were coming out just fine, and then just a few days ago I started  
> getting some very dramatic speckling on the prints. Using the same  
> batch of sized paper (gelatin-glyoxal), and Potassium bichromate at  
> 1:1 ratio pigment gum mix. Any suggestions or experience with this?  
> Thanks,
> Matt
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